I’m glad that you have finally decided to experience the ultimate pleasure of a Tantric erotic massage. I can understand you are excited and a little bit nervous, which is quite natural. After all you are about to experience a life-changing event. Something which you will cherish the rest of your life.
So now it’s time to plan. First thing first, do not choose a particular type of erotic massage by reading a few blogs or by watching a few videos on the Internet that are enticed and scripted to invoke interest. Talk to your masseuse instead, she is the one to guide you. Speak with her over phone or share your inhibitions or interests over text. Stay assured, she is going to choose the best for you.
Having said above, there are some key things you might want to know if you are to experience erotic massage for the first time. These are the the things your masseuses certainly wouldn’t want you to do. The following list contains some of the most common mistakes you would want to avoids during an erotic massage session.
Erotic Massage is NOT a foreplay
I can understand that wanting to touch your beautiful masseuse is instinctive whilst she is performing the body-to-body massage on you. You will get the urge to touch her back. You are expected to let her do what she is supposed to do and it is certainly not a good idea to try to caress her during the session. It sounds difficult but let her do the role of spoiling you, your just have to enjoy every tiniest of the moments. Most erotic massage ends up in happy ending but that is something you have to discuss with your masseuse at the time of booking.
Do not direct her what to do and what not
This is a big no! You are not supposed to tell her how she proceeds with the massage. While is just fine to tell her what you like or don’t like but please do not ruin the whole session by interrupting her or giving instructions. There is a palpable difference between a conversation and command. Besides, it also shows that you show lack of respect towards your masseuse. An elite masseuse would not like being told on what she is supposed to do. She is committed to giving you the utmost in pleasure. The trust towards her will make your experience remarkable.
Don’t Ask for Food or Drink
This must be avoided. You are not at the movie theater and it doesn’t change the rule even if she is at your place. So, get ready for the massage session as though you were on a date with a beautiful blonde masseuse who is there to take you through an incredible journey of ethereal pleasure.
Avoid Strong Perfumes
Take shower before you reach her. Do not apply strong perfumes. She will use some essential oils with natural and intense fragrance, which will help you experience pleasure with higher intensity. So it is recommended to keep your personal hygiene a but better avoid to use your perfumes right before the massage session.
Be Gentle and Polite
You are one-of-a-kind, loving and caring gentleman. And therefore it is expected of you to keep your heart on your sleeves. She will love to see you as you. Your masseuse is a highly skilled and experienced person to perform the kind of massage you have requested. Don’t say words to her that are offensive or rude. Do not assume that she must do something “different” for you. You may offer your feedback later some day and she will definitely appreciate that. But remain polite with her. A mutual respect must define this experience.
Final words
Seeking an erotic massage session with the most beautiful masseuse will guaranteed give you once-in-a-lifetime experience. And therefore you must ensure you have played your bit by behaving well and doing (as well as not doing) things your masseuse would love to expect from you.
Hope you will have the most wonderful time during the erotic massage session with Helene. You can email her on hchalont@gmail.com.